Quarterly Reporting Requirements Horizontal 6A Wells


The 2018 session of the West Virginia Legislature passed HB 4270, bringing new production reporting requirements for "horizontal 6A" wells, as described in W. Va. Code § 22-6-22(f).

Under the new requirements, production data shall be reported to the Office of Oil and Gas quarterly. These changes, effective June 8, 2018, apply only to wells permitted under W. Va. Code § 22-6A-1 et seq., aka, “Horizontal 6A", or “H6A” wells.

HB 4270 also changed reporting requirements of natural gas liquids. Under the new reporting requirements, wellhead oil and (lease) condensate will be reported together as crude oil, and any downstream NGL which are accounted to a well, will be reported as NGL to that well API.

Note that conventional wells permitted under W. Va. Code § 22-6-1 et seq. will continue to adhere to production reporting requirements defined in 35 CSR 4 – 15.1. Operators of conventional wells will see no change.

Only Horizontal 6A well production data will be accepted quarterly. All other well types including conventional vertical wells, horizontal wells not permitted under W. Va. Code § 22-6A-1, horizontal coal bed methane, and any other type of well, will continue to report production annually.

Reporting Periods

Instructions and Examples